Achimenes, Kohleria and other Gesneriads.
Easy plants for windowsill, porch and conservatory
The plants featured here all grow from scaly rhizomes. They are mostly dormant in winter, replanted from February onwards and flower for three months or more in summer. Kohleria can be kept growing throughout the year and have a longer flowering season.
Rhizomes offered are all flowering size. Postage and Packing at cost - usually £1.25 sent 2nd class Royal Mail.
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Easily grown windowsill houseplants
Plant the rhizomes about an inch deep in a 4 or 5 inch pot using moist multipurpose compost. They need some warmth, windowsill, porch or conservatory. They like bright light but not too much direct sunlight. Water sparingly until they appear above the compost but don’t let them dry out, once in growth keep them well watered. You can pinch the tips out to get a bushier plant and stop them getting too tall. Kept warm, they will continue to flower through the autumn and winter but will become untidy so it’s best to start again in early spring, there should be plenty of fresh rhizomes in the pot by then.

Kohleria Jardin de Monet
2 Rhizomes £4

Kohleria Jester
2 Rhizomes for £4

Kohleria Sunshine
2 Rhizomes £4

Kohleria Red Ryder
2 Rhizomes £4

Kohleria No Name - May be cv Flashdance
2 Rhizomes £4

Achimenes aka Hot Water Plants
Easily grown windowsill houseplants
Plant the rhizomes about an inch deep in moist multipurpose compost. Choose a pot size according to how many rhizomes you have. One to three small rhizomes will grow happily in a three inch diameter pot but for larger rhizomes or greater numbers choose a larger pot They need some warmth, windowsill, porch or conservatory. They like bright light but not too much direct sunlight. If exposed to too much direct sunlight in summer, the flower colour can fade, significantly altering their appearance. They do very well in East and West facing sites. Water sparingly until they appear above the compost but don’t let them dry out, once in growth keep them well watered. You can pinch the tips out to get a bushier plant and stop them getting too tall, if you choose to do this, do it when the plants are still small. Planted in February, they will flower from June to September. As flowering ends allow the pots to slowly dry out and store cool but frost free over winter. There should be plenty of fresh rhizomes to repot in spring.
They are called Hot Water Plants as some growers recommend using lukewarm water in deference to their tropical origins.
There are different species and many hybrids. Some have an upright habit, some will always prefer to trail - these make excellent subjects for a hanging planter. The taller types benefit from support, I use green split canes and encircle them with garden wire or thread.

Achimenes Alter Ego
3 Rhizomes - £4
A true purple ground colour with a veined throat. Sometimes the flowers have extra petals in the centre giving a double flowered look. Quite large flowered, they are attractive in both forms. Upright habit but can trail as it gets taller unless supported.

Blaur Planet (Sometimes sold as Blue Planet)
3 Rhizomes - £4
Large purple flowers with a white eye. Small rounded rhizomes are the norm for this variety which has a very neat, bushy upright habit.

Blue Sparks
5 Rhizomes for £4
White ground with extensive purple veins. The medium sized flowers are produced in great profusion on plants which can be upright with support but, weighed down with blooms they tend to trail.